Terms and Condions for EVO ELD Inc.
Last updated: May 27, 2024
1. Subscripon Terms
Subscripons renew automacally at the end of each billing cycle.
Users can cancel their subscripons at any me via their account or by email at
2. Account Registraon
To use the Service, Users must register or create a User account, providing all required
data or informaon in a complete and truthful manner. Failure to do so will cause
unavailability of the Service.
Users are responsible for keeping their login credenals condenal and safe. Users are
also required to choose passwords that meet the highest standards of strength permied
by this Applicaon.
By registering, Users agree to be fully responsible for all acvies that occur under their
username and password.
Users are required to immediately and unambiguously inform the Owner via the contact
details indicated in this document if they think their personal informaon, including but
not limited to User accounts, access credenals, or personal data, has been violated,
unduly disclosed, or stolen.
3. Payment and Refund Policy
Payments are processed through Stripe.
Services used are non-refundable.
Refunds are not provided for services that have been used.
Subscripons are non-refundable once the billing cycle has commenced.
4. Cancellaon Policy
Cancellaons take eect at the end of the current billing cycle.
No refunds will be issued for the remaining period aer cancellaon.
Users must deacvate all trucks from their truck list to avoid charges during the renewal
Users may send an email to info@evoeld.com to deacvate their account, which will take
eect at the end of the current billing period.
Upon cancellaon, users retain access to the service unl the end of the current billing
5. Dispute Resoluon
Users agree not to iniate chargebacks without rst contacng our support team by email
at info@evoeld.com.
Users are not allowed to dispute any charges through their banks when using the
soware or aer cancellaon. All disputes will be counter-disputed, and users agree not
to dispute any charges.
6. User Responsibilies
Users must provide accurate informaon and keep it updated.
Users are responsible for maintaining the condenality of their account and password.
7. Limitaon of Liability
We are not liable for any indirect, incidental, or consequenal damages arising from the use of
our services.
8. Account Suspension and Deleon
The Owner reserves the right, at its sole discreon, to suspend or delete at any me and
without noce, User accounts which it deems inappropriate, oensive, or in violaon of
these Terms.
The suspension or deleon of User accounts shall not entle Users to any claims for
compensaon, damages, or reimbursement.
The suspension or deleon of accounts due to causes aributable to the User does not
exempt the User from paying any applicable fees or prices.
9. Acceptable Use
This Applicaon and the Service may only be used within the scope of what they are
provided for, under these Terms and applicable law.
Users are solely responsible for making sure that their use of this Applicaon and/or the
Service violates no applicable law, regulaons, or third-party rights.
Therefore, the Owner reserves the right to take any appropriate measure to protect its
legimate interests, including by denying Users access to this Applicaon or the Service,
terminang contracts, and reporng any misconduct performed through this Applicaon
or the Service to the competent authories – such as judicial or administrave authories
– whenever Users engage or are suspected to engage in any of the following acvies:
Violate laws, regulaons, and/or these Terms;
Infringe any third-party rights;
Considerably impair the Owners legimate interests;
Oend the Owner or any third party.
Privacy Policy for EVO ELD Inc.
1. Data Collecon and Usage
We collect personal data to provide and improve our services, including contact
informaon, payment details, and usage data.
2. User Rights
Users have the right to access, recfy, and delete their personal data.
Requests can be made through our support team.
3. Data Sharing
We may share data with third-party services to facilitate our operaons, such as payment
processors and analycs providers.
4. Security
We implement robust security measures to protect user data from unauthorized access,
misuse, or disclosure.
5. Cookies and Tracking
Our website uses cookies and similar technologies to enhance user experience, analyze
site trac, and understand user preferences.
6. Data Retenon
Personal data is retained only as long as necessary for the purposes outlined in this policy,
or as required by law.